If the verb end only with a consonant and before it is only a vowel AND the verb is stressed in the last syllable, then the last consonant is doubled.
E.x sit – sitting, begin – beginning
BUT look –looking (because there are two vowels)
Exepsions - Pe rjashtime:
a.) If the verb ends with -X than it is not doubled
e.x: fix – fixing, box –boxing
b.) If the verb ends with -E and before it is a consonant then the e is omitted
e.x: come- coming, but see – seeing (because there is a vowel)
c.) If the verb end with -ie then we convert the ie to -y than we ad the -ing suffix.
e.x: die- dying, lie-lying, lie-lying
d.) If the verb ends with -y then it does not change we just add the -ing suffix
e.x: study – studying, play-playing
(Present Continuous
N.q.s. Folja mbaron vetem
me nje bashketingellore dhe para bashketingellores eshte vetem nje zanore dhe
folja theksohet ne rrokjen e fundit atehere bashketingellorja e fundit dyfishohet.
P.sh: sit – sitting, begin –
ndersa look –looking (sepse jane dy zanore)
a.) If the verb ends with -X than it is not doubled
e.x: fix – fixing, box –boxing
folja mbaron me –x ajo nuk
p.sh: fix –
fixing, box –boxing
folja mbaron me –e dhe para saj ka
bashketingellore e-ja hiqet
p.sh: come-
coming, ndersa see – seeing (ka
folja mbaron me –ie shnderrojme ne –y dhe pastaj shtojmë mbaresen -ing.
p.sh: die- dying, lie-lying, lie-lying
folja mbaron me –y ajo nuk ndryshon por shtojmë mbaresen –ing.
p.sh: study –
studying, play-playing
e) If the verb ends with -l in British English it is doubled but in the American English it is not.
e.x: travel – travelling (British English)
e.x: travel – traveling (American English)
e) If the verb ends with -l in British English it is doubled but in the American English it is not.
e.x: travel – travelling (British English)
e.x: travel – traveling (American English)
N.q.s folja mbaron me –l ajo në
anglishten britanike dyfishohet kurse në anglishten amerikane nuk dyfishohet.
p.sh: travel – travelling (anglishtja britanike)
p.sh: travel – traveling (anglishtja amerikane)
p.sh: travel – traveling (anglishtja amerikane)
Meso anglisht