all You use all to indicate that you are referring to the whole of a particular group or thing or to everyone or everything of a particular kind. 

aloneWhen you are alone, you are not with any other people.

any: You use any in statements with negative meaning to indicate that no thing or person of a particular type exists, is present, or is involved in a situation.

anybody:  Anybody means the same as anyone.

anyone:  1. You use anyone or anybody in statements with negative meaning to indicate in a general way that nobody is present or involved in an action. 2.  You use anyone or anybody in questions and conditional clauses to ask or talk about whether someone is present or doing something.  3. You use anyone or anybody before words which indicate the kind of person you are talking about.

anything: 1. You use anything in statements with negative meaning to indicate in a general way that nothing is present or that an action or event does not or cannot happen.  2. You use anything in questions and conditional clauses to ask or talk about whether something is present or happening. 3. You can use anything before words which indicate the kind of thing you are talking about.

all: gjithcka, gjithe, te gjithe, cdo gje, gjithkush
alone: vetem
any: cilido, ndonje, kushdo
anybody: ndonjeri, kushdo, dikush, cilido
anyone: ndonje, ndokush, ndonjeri
anything: dicka, cfaredoqofte, gjithcka, gjesend
both: qe te dy
certain: ca, disa
each: gjithkush, secili
either: cdonjeri, kushdo, sejcili, cilido, dikush, dicka
every: cdo, cilido
everybody: te gjithe, cdonjeri, kushdo, cilido, gjithkush, secili
everyone: cdo, kushdo, gjithkush
everything: gjithcka, gjithe
he: ai
her: ate, asaj, i saj, e saj, te saj
herself: ajo vete, vete, veten (e saj), vetes (se saj)
him: ate, atij, vet (ai)
himself: ai vete, vete, veten (e tij), vetes (se tij)
his: i tij, e tij, te tij, te tija, i tiji, e tija, te tijte, te tijat
I: une
it: ai, ajo, ate, ky, kjo (perdoret vetem per kafshet apo sendet)
its: i tij, i saj, i veti, e vetja (perdoret vetem per kafshet apo sendet)
itself: vete (perdoret vetem per kafshet apo sendet)
me: mua, me, ma, une
mine: imi, imja, te mite, te miat
my: im, ime, tim, time, te mi, te mia
myself: une vete, ti vete, vete, ne vete
naught: as
neither: asnje, asnjeri, asnjeri, as ... as
nobody: askush, asnjeri, asnjeri
nobody's: e askujt
none: askush, asnjeri, asnjeri, asnje, asgje
no one: askush, asnjeri, asnjeri
nothing: asgje, asnje gje, hic
one: njeri, nje, njera
oneself: vete, vete
other: tjetri, tjeter
ought: ne saje te
our: yne, jone, tane, tone, tona, sone
ours: yni, joni
ourselves: vetes, veten, ne vete, vete
own: im, yt, i tij, i saj
same: i njejte, i njejti, e njejta
self: vete, vetvete
several: disa, ca
she: ajo
some: disa, nje
somebody: ndokush, dikush, dicka, njefare
somehow: disi, ne nje fare menyre
someone: ndonjeri, dikush, dicka
something: dicka, dicka e tille, gjesend, njefare, gjekafshe
such and such: njefare, ate dhe kete, keshtu keshtu
that: ai, ajo, ky, ate, kjo, i cili, e cila, qe, kush
thee: ti, ty, teje (prej) (trajte e vjeter, mund te gjendet ne leteesi apo ndonje film)
their: i tyre, e tyre
theirs: i tyri, e tyrja
them: ata, ato, atyre
themselves: ata vete, veten e tyre
these: keta, keto
they: ata, ato
thine: yt (trajte e vjeter, mund te gjendet ne leteesi apo ndonje film)
this: ky, kjo, kete
those: keta, keto, ato
thou: te, ti, teje (prej)
thy: yt, yte, jot, jote, tend
thyself: vete, ti vete (trajte e vjeter, mund te gjendet ne leteesi apo ndonje film)
us: ne, na, neve
we: ne
what: cila
which: cili, kush, qe, cila
whichever: ai qe, cilido qe, kushdo qe,
who: kush, cili, cila, i cili, qe
whoever: kushdo, cilido, kush
whole: gjithe, komplet
whom: cilit, kujt, cilin, ke, i cili, qe
whomsoever: kujtdo
whose: i kujt, te kujt, e kujt
whosesoever: i kujtdoqofte
whosoever: kushdo qe, cilidoqofte
ye: ju
yet: ende, akoma, deri tani, ndonjehere, sidoqofte
you: ti, teje (prej), te, ju
your: tend, yt, juaj
yours: yti, teedi, tuaji, tuajit, te tute, juajat
yourself: ti vete, ju vete, vetja jote, vetja juaj, vete

yours: A speaker or writer uses yours to refer to something that belongs or relates to the person or people that they are talking or writing to.

yourself: A speaker or writer uses yourself to refer to the person that they are talking or writing to. Yourself is used when the object of a verb or preposition refers to the same person as the subject of the verb.